Now Playing: How to design like an architect
  • Description:  Hi, Im Doug Patt and this is How to design like an architect. I thought the best way to talk about design would be to create a dream home for someone, but first, lets talk about the design process. An architect, like any design professional draws on a wellspring of information. How we design is based to some extent on what we know. What we know can be based on the school we went to, the books weve read, the magazines we like to look at, where we grew up, our friends and relatives, the occupations weve held and in general, our life experiences. A professor named Edmund Bacon (actually the father of the actor Kevin Bacon) told me something once that I will never forget. He said, Its in the doing that the idea comes. That is, we must sit and work through something before we can find the best way to solve a problem. Solving a design problem is essentially taking what we know and putting it together with that particular challenge. When an architect sits down to problem solve they frequently sketch. Sketching is one of the best ways to work out the solution to a problem. And I believe that its exactly what Edmund Bacon meant when he said its in the doing that the idea comes. Before we design our dream home I need to give you a little insight into one of my favorite architects. Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 August 27, 1965) was a Swiss born architect, writer and painter among other things. He was well known as a modern architect and for his theories approach to architecture. Ill save his story for another episode, but would like to reference one of his most well known buildings. The Unite dHabitation in Marseilles France is a very modern looking, long, narrow building that incorporates a number of Corbusiers design principals. The building is set on large concrete pilotis or pillars. It also incorporates a roof garden and sculpture. Although the style is seen as brutalist, it was Corbusier and his teams intention to create more suitable living accommodations for people wh...
